Discussion - understanding disorders depression is one

Discussion - Understanding Disorders

Depression is one disorder that can be caused from a relationship break up. When this happens, the person feels like it is all their fault, and that nobody will love them again. I would help and support a friend with this disorder by being there for them, and encouraging them to think of what is best for themselves! If needed they could go and talk to a councilor or their doctor to get on an anti depression. Another disorder is ADHD. The root of this disorder comes from children that might have been to immature when they started school. Parents and teachers wanted to know why their kids were misbehaving, and the pharmaceutical companies wanted to sell medication! I would best help and support a friend with a child with ADHD by listening to what they have to say and supporting their decision to put the child on medication or not.

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Dissertation: Discussion - understanding disorders depression is one
Reference No:- TGS02339892

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