
Discussion - the scientific method and plate tectonics what

Discussion - The Scientific Method and Plate Tectonics

One hears the comment, "A theory is pretty much a fact" in regard to scientific theories such as the age of the Earth, climate change, the theory of evolution, the theory of plate tectonics. After reading Chapter 1, how would you respond to such a comment?

Based on the theory of plate tectonics, is it possible that Southern California could someday be a part of Alaska? If so, what are some of the processes that could enable that to happen?

What evidence used to support either continental drift or plate tectonics is most convincing and why?

Respond to one of the above questions and also to one prior posting on the discussion. Support your stance with at least one quote.

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Dissertation: Discussion - the scientific method and plate tectonics what
Reference No:- TGS02840174

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