
Discussion - putting you on - many alleged studies are

Discussion (PUTTING YOU ON) Many alleged studies are misleading in that the conclusions are often based on undisclosed premises. Parenting books state that an advantage to breastfeeding is that it makes women healthier; what is not stated is that women who breastfeed tend to follow stricter diets, and it is the diets that actually makes them healthier. If you looked at statistics for the number of tires replaced in a given year, would you be surprised to find out that Toyota Camry tops the list for wearing out tires? It shouldn't since it is the most popular car in America. And in 2000, Sen.

Daschle (D-South Dakota) pushed his gun control agenda against Pres. Bush when he stated "Do you realize that the majority of vendors at gun shows don't do background checks on their customers;" while true, what he failed to mention is that the majority of vendors at gun shows don't sell guns (they sell food, t-shirts, souvenirs, etc.), but not guns. Nonetheless, this quasi-truth aroused the voters. Name another conclusion that, while true, is based on misconception. There are multitudes of them in regards to health and politics, so keep your eyes open. If you cannot find one, then make one up (use your creativity and silliness if you wish).

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Discussion (TRUTH IN ADVERTISING) Infomercials often peddle products under the guise of "studies show...". While some of the products are surprisingly good (e.g., FoodSaver, Foreman Grill, Ronco Rotisserie), many of the products are not. Why should you be initially suspicious of any products advertised on these shows, despite the "existence" of data? What factors would help to convince you that the claims might be true?

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- Reply in a scholarly and substantive manner

Please do it well Discussion A- 300 words Discussion B- 300 words

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