Discussion - Nutrition
We all have tips for staying healthy, tricks that work, tricks that don't, and trick that can be downright dangerous. In this discussion, we're going to exchange ideas.
This week each of you should write a post on a topic related to diet or exercise. Here are some suggestion
1. Fad diets vs healthy diets: Tell us how this diet works. What are the key features. Does it work? Is it safe? Does the weight stay off?
Suggestions: Atkins diet, Weight watchers diet, South Beach diet, Paleo diet, etc.
2. No weight loss is complete without exercise. Find some facts and figures on an exercise program. Suggest a specific type and tell us how it works. Please don't just paste in a website or video, tell us something about how it has been proven to work or not.
Suggestions: cardio, aerobic, plaltes, yoga, tai chi, chi gong, karate, etc.
3. Benefits and hazards of specific weight loss drugs.
4. Benefits and hazards of specific types of weight loss surgery
5. How to lose weight safely and get rid of excess skin.
6. Diseases related to the digestive system from Chapter 9, Part 1 in Module 9. Please do not write about celiac disease, because it has already been discussed. Other topics to avoid are diabetes, heart disease and osteoporosis because we will be discussing these in the next module.
7. Gut microbiome: We all have at least 2 lbs of bacteria living in our gut. These help us to digest out food, mostly needed for complex carbohydrates. This is not a single population, but a combination of perhaps hundreds of different species of bacteria that co-habitate the intestine. The relative balance of the different species, however, can make all the difference in our health, our metabolic rate and the degree of nutrient absorption. An imbalance of these species can lead to obesity, gut permeability, food allergies and a state of chronic inflammation that has been proposed to underlie almost all of the major diseases, including central obesity, metabolic disease, diabetes, heart disease, depression and cancer. Finding the correct balance between "good bacteria" and "bad bacteria" is a hot topic in research these days.
8. Eating disorders, for example, anorexia nervosa. bulimia, binging/purging.
You get the picture. there are dozens of potential topics. NOTE: If you want to reserve a topic before you research it, create a thread for yourself. Before you start writing, PLEASE read the other' posts that are already up, before you post yours. If someone else has already written about a topic, or claimed a topic, please don't write about it. I don't to see the same topic repeated.
References -
Textbook 1 - Understanding Nutrition, 12th Edition by Whitney and Rolfes. Chapter 8 - Energy Balance and Body Composition.
Textbook 2 - Human Biology, Fifteenth Edition by Sylvia S. Mader and Michael Windelspecht. Chapter 9.