
Discussing the technologies-platforms


Your report should be approximately 2000 words, use 1.5 spacing with 12point Times New Roman font for the body of the report, Headings should be in Arial font and bolded. You should consult appropriate case studies and other references from the library or online scholarly articles as sources for information. Correct citation of sources is mandatory and must be in Harvard Style.

The expectation is that the activities associated with this assignment will culminate in a professionally written report.


A Mobile Business solution for customers can represent an expensive and complex proposition for a company to implement. Assume management has contracted you to consider such an implementation for their business. Write a report discussing the technologies, platforms, success factors, and enablers for a successful implementation. Discuss the different cost factors and key components of a mobile solution that will influence these costs. You should use case studies to support your arguments where appropriate and to provide examples on different experiences.

Your report must include:

Assignment Cover Page: Use the cover sheet provided

Title Page: Include the Assignment Title, Student Name & Number, Date & Unit name/code

Introduction: Introduction to the topic, a statement of the purpose of the paper and a brief description of the paper's structure.

Body: Discuss, compare and/or contrast different perspectives, present arguments supporting the purpose of the paper.

Conclusion: Summarize the salient points you have made in the body of the paper. These should match your stated purpose. References/ Bibliography: Must be consistent in Harvard style.

The footer must include your name, student ID, and page number. A header should include a short version of the title.

You should visit https://www.canberra.edu.au/studyskills/writing for some general help on academic writing, especially the sections on ‘writing an introduction' and ‘answering the question'.


Your paper must be submitted to the Management Report Submissions folder on VU Collaborate. This will be linked to Turn-it-in. The format can either be in Word, or PDF Name your file for this assignment in the form "FirstnameLastname" and where "Firstname" is replaced by your first name and "Lastname" is replaced by your last name, for example, PaulDarbyshire.pdf. Your submission to Turn-it-in must include a Title Page, your report, and the Bibliography or References list.

Your paper must follow the formatting and layout standards specified for this subject and must also use the Harvard Referencing System.

You must include references to demonstrate research relating to the discussion and analysis. You should aim to paraphrase sources where possible, writing the report in your own words and including citations and corresponding reference list entries to demonstrate research where appropriate. Your report must be submitted to the submission drop box (and hence turn-it-in) in order to be graded. The similarity index in the report you receive must not exceed twenty per cent. Note that you can resubmit your report up until the submission deadline.

Initial originality results are returned within minutes. Resubmission results can take up to twenty four hours to process.

I would also stress the need to include a sentence in bold saying turn-it-in scores higher than 20% will be heavily penalized.

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Management Theories: Discussing the technologies-platforms
Reference No:- TGS03037695

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