Discussing the logic and phenomenology of colonization

Problem: In discussing the logic and phenomenology of colonization, both Franz Fanon and Alia Al-Saji draw attention to ways in which the gaze of the other, and representational schemas more generally, effect and oppress the bodily schema. What is the philosophical significance of the relation between the gaze of the other and the bodily schema? As part of your answer, outline what Fanon means when he says of his own experience as a black man that the gaze of the other "locked" him in a "suffocating reification." What is the main point that Al-Saji contributes to Fanon's existential phenomenology when she speaks of the phenomenon of "naturalizing gender oppression to the Muslim veil"? Do you think either author offers a way out of the "de-subjectification" and oppression which comes from colonization?



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