
Discussing implications of confounding variables


Q1. Discuss the implications of Confounding Variables and how they effect the primary goal of statistics, that of prediction.

Q2. Explain the importance of Person, Place, and Time with regards to Public Health Surveillance.

Q3. Discuss the implications of mortality for the field of epidemiology to include the preparation of death certificates, and give at least one real - life example of its importance.

Q4. Explain the problem of bias when conducting studies and how we may attempt to control for it.

Q5. Discuss randomization to include the various types and its importance on obtaining reliable and valid data that is generalizable to a population.

Q6. Explain how to develop a Web of Causation and its importance.

Q7. Explain how epidemics are classified and what questions need to be asked to do so.

Q8. Compare and contrast Acute versus Chronic diseases and give one specific example of each.

Q9. List and briefly discuss the  biases associated with clinical epidemiology and how to best avoid them.

Your answer must be, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format.

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Other Subject: Discussing implications of confounding variables
Reference No:- TGS01950941

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