
Discussing financial implications


Discuss financial implications of the problem. How would you look at these financial implications in the context of an organization? What does the literature say?

The problem of effectively handling human resources can have a myriad of problems for the stakeholders of the organization, and these problems can affect a ride variety of the stakeholders of the organization in a wide variety of ways, and the major problem is that if human resources are not handled effectively, the organizational efficiency will tend to suffer immeasurably, and when the organization has declined, the effectiveness and profitability of the organization would tend to decline as well.  The decline in the effectiveness and profitability of the organization will have a detrimental effect on all of the stakeholders of the organization, due to the fact that the stakeholders have a vested interest in profitability of the organization as a whole.  Stakeholders tend to take losses in relation to their investment in a given organization, when the organization has decreased in its profitability in any manner, and this is even true of nonprofit healthcare organizations, due to the fact that these organizations also depend on the organization being profitable in a manner that will facilitate the development of the funding that is needed for the organization to continue to function.  So it goes to reason, that it is very important for human resources to be effectively handled, so that the overall organizational efficiency is enhanced in a manner that will maintain its efficiency and profitability, as well as its effectiveness in achieving the overall goal of providing high-quality service to its clients or patients.

The problem of effectively handling human resources can have an especially dramatic effect on the patients, or clients of a given organization, due to the fact that these individuals are the most dependent on the effective day-to-day operations of the organization, and any ineffectiveness in the day-to-day operations of the organization will be immediately felt by the patients.  If human resources are not managed a manner that makes it possible for the different departments within the organization that are charged with servicing clients to function at maximum capacity and effectiveness, then the quality of client care will inevitably suffer, due to the fact that it is highly improbable that clients can be served in the appropriate manner with shortfalls in the human resource management department.  If the human resource management problem results in a shortage of the number of staff members that are available for patient services, then these individuals will usually have to wait for much longer periods of time in order to receive the treatment that they need, which can cause an exasperation of the medical problem that they have, which will be a highly detrimental situation for these individuals in relation to their health and well-being.  This is a situation that no healthcare organization can allow to happen, due to the fact that it is the job of healthcare organizations to effectively increase the level of the health and well-being of the individuals in their care, and any results that are produced to the contrary, can have devastating effects.  The problem of effectively handling human resources can also affect the patients in another important way, due to the fact that is very important for human resource management personnel to effectively distribute personnel based on the skill sets of these individuals, and to ensure that the individuals are placed within the areas of the organization that are commensurate with their skills and experience levels.  If individuals are not properly placed within an organization, then this will cause a severe decline in organizational efficiency and effectiveness as well, which will tend to negatively affect the client.  For example, if physicians trained and experienced in oncology are placed in cardiology departments, then this could create a very dangerous situation for patients, who are dependant on receiving services from physicians that are trained in treating their particular condition.  The employees within the organization also negatively affected if human resources are not handled effectively, due to the fact that these individuals depend on being able to coordinate their efforts with other pertinent individuals within different departments within the organizational paradigm.  Businesses and other individuals who have invested in the organization are also affected by the way that human resources are handled, and its effects on the operational efficiency of the organization, due to the fact that operational efficiency will affect the prosperity of the organization, which is of a paramount concern for these investors.

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