
Discusses the connection between economics and baseball it

Economics and Baseball Article Review

Select an article from a reputable source (online or print) that discusses the connection between economics and baseball. It can be about how economics relate to the player, community, or owner. Some examples: money ball, minor league and economic impact on community, minor league pay, advertising, etc. Write a 1-2 page article review that does the following:

Summarizes the article (Tip: Don't forget to identify the name and author when introducing and summarizing the article.

Relates your article to this week's course concepts by discussing how players, the community, and/or owners are impacted by the topic in the article.

Presents your opinion on the relative flaws or merits of the author's conclusions.

Your review must be in APA format and you must cite the text reading or article reading at least one time in the assignment relating the article to course material. Remember to provide an APA citation for the article that is being reviewed.

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Dissertation: Discusses the connection between economics and baseball it
Reference No:- TGS02402715

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