Assignment - Exploring my definition of literacy
Select one of the options from the following:
1. Discuss your views about literacy and develop an argument for a definition of literacy that you will use to guide your work as you commence working in secondary school classrooms.
2. The Australian Curriculum explains:
... students become literate as they develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions to interpret and use language confidently for learning and communicating in and out of school and for participating effectively in society. Literacy involves students in listening to, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and creating oral, print, visual and digital texts, and using and modifying language for different purposes in a range of contexts.' (
Discuss the implications of this statement about literacy for teaching in your learning area.
3. Select an alternative definition of literacy. Introduce and discuss what this definition implies about literacy, and then outline what this definition will mean for your work as a teacher of middle and secondary school students.
4 apa reference.