Discussion Board Question: This unit discusses the relationship between your preferred leadership style and how you adapt your leadership style, based on the situation. This unit's discussion forum includes two parts:
Part 1: Determine Your Preferred Normative Leadership Style
Complete the self-assessment on pg. 136-139 in the textbook, circling your preferred approach (a, b, c, or d) for #1-12 of the self-assessment. To determine your preferred normative leadership style, tally your scores, following the directions on pg. 138.
Part 2: Apply and Share what You Learned from this Self-Assessment
Discuss your preferred normative leadership style and how this style contributes to your effectiveness as a leader. Secondly, give an example of a time when you adapted your leadership style-and used a style that is different than your preferred normative leadership style-in order to succeed in a particular situation or to appeal to the particular people involved. What was the outcome?