
Discuss your own developmental level as a supervisor and

Assignment : Personal Philosophy and Supervision Forms 

You are to analyze and integrate information from the readings and scholarly resources to develop your personal philosophy of supervision and two supervision forms that will create a Supervision Portfolio.


Your portfolio will be comprised of two main components: your personal philosophy of supervision and two supervision forms.

A. Formulate and describe your personal model of supervision. This will include an 8-10 page paper (does not include title, bibliography, resource pages) with 7-10 references, and you will integrate the information from your resources to: 

1. Analyze how your counseling approach relates to and differs from how you approach supervision.

2. Examine and discuss the specific supervision model(s) you draw from and how you conduct (or will conduct) supervision within this framework.

3. Discuss your own developmental level as a supervisor and how this impacts your view of supervision and your personal supervision model.

4. Discuss the significance of being a multiculturally competent supervisor who will have supervisees from diverse backgrounds and cultures and how your own cultural background might impact the supervisory relationship and process.

B. Create two supervision forms you will be able to utilize as a future supervisor.

There are various samples of supervision contracts and professional disclosure statements available, and sometimes there is overlap in the components included.

Your forms should fit your philosophy and assumptions about supervision, as well as the context (real or anticipated) in which you will provide supervision.

Focus on the areas that are applicable to your current or future professional settings. 

1. Professional Disclosure Statement which should include the following: 

a. Name and title

b. Academic degrees, credentials and licenses

c. Areas of professional competence

d. A statement about your experience in providing supervision

e. An overview of your supervision process and personal supervision model

f. Ethical guidelines that govern your practice

g. The purpose of supervision

h. The duties and responsibilities of the supervisor and supervisee

i. Modalities and interventions to be employed

j. Procedures for documenting supervision activities and maintenance of records

k. Fee arrangements

l. Method(s) and purposes for evaluation

m. Terms and projected duration of the contract

n. Procedures for appropriately informing recipients of supervisees' services about supervisory relationships and related limits of confidentiality

o.  Guidelines for responding to emergencies

p.  Provisions related to due process and filing complaints.

2.  Supervision Contract should include the following (remember this also will serve as informed consent): 

a. Role of the supervisor and supervisee

b. The services that will be provided

c. Opportunities that will be provided to the supervisee (if appropriate for your setting)

d. Frequency of supervision

e. The structure of the supervision sessions (where it will take place; if it will be individual, group or a combination of both)

f.  How evaluations will be conducted

Make sure you write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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Dissertation: Discuss your own developmental level as a supervisor and
Reference No:- TGS02730642

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