I have two issues dealing with obesity and trans fat, what is your opinion on these issues:
The first issue deals with children having access to unhealthy foods at school. Many schools are banning the sale of unhealthy foods to children in school. Other schools are selling unhealthy foods in cafeterias and vending machines. Still, other schools have made financial deals with soft drink companies (called pouring rights) and fast food companies to provide food and snacks to student, what is your input on this issue?
Also, trans fats have recently been found to be much more damaging (in terms of heart problems) compared to other types of fat (even saturated). New York City has banned trans fats from being used in any restaurants in the city. These restaurants will have to replace cooking oils and other ingredients that contain trans fats with healthier oils that are less harmful to your body. Other chain restraints (such as KFC) have chose to switch to frying oils without trans fats. Many support this change as a step toward a healthier America, yet others believe the choice should be left up to the restaurants, what do you think?