
Discuss your future career plans or life goals in

Self Assessment

For this course, students will be required to write an 3-page self-assessment paper which will discuss the student's life goals and career plans beyond graduate school. The goal of this paper is to improve the students writing skills using writing and communication techniques discussed throughout the course.

The format for this paper will be standardized using the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines for writing. The instructor will provide a handout of a sample APA report. The paper should include the following:

a. Cover page: with title, your name, course name, and semester

b. Introduction: overview of topic and issues to be discussed. Organize your thoughts. You may use section headings to indicate the purpose of sections of the paper.

c. Overview of any significant life events that have shaped your world view and your opinions.

d. Discuss your future career plans or life goals in relationship to completing graduate schools and entering or reentering the work force. What have you learned or what has changed in your life? Are you ready or prepared for the next stage in your life?

e. Conclusion: close out paper with any thoughts or recommendations.

f. List of references: Use a variety of sources for information and arguments. If you use articles from the Web, give the URL and the organization sponsoring the site.

Things to Remember

1. Investigate the topic. Use articles and/or books, web sites etc., for background. Your project must include some background research.

2. Don't just report. Discuss pros and cons. Evaluate. Use your own words. Quote where appropriate. Give citations for facts and quotes. Discuss how your topic relates to material covered in the text and/or in class discussions.

3. Papers are to be typed (use a word processor, Times New Roman with font size 12) and double-spaced.

4. Do not wait until late in the semester to get started, then discovered that information on their topic was unavailable. Start early in case you have to change topics.

5. Now and then, a student hands in a paper he or she did not write at all or in which large segments are copied from other sources. Don't do this. It is dishonest, unfair to your fellow students, and unpleasant for both you and the instructor. Papers that have been found to be plagiarized will receive a zero.

6. Write in your own words. Start early; talk to the instructor if you have problems.

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Business Management: Discuss your future career plans or life goals in
Reference No:- TGS01680552

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