
Discuss your experience with the marketing nbspsimulation

Discuss your experience with the marketing  simulation. What did you learn? What did you achieve? What would you do differently?

* Example Answer: 

To sum up my experience in one word it would be agonizing.  I say this because I became extremely frustrated throughout my time completing the simulation.  I made many mistakes in the beginning of the simulation and those mistakes demoralized me, making the entire simulation a miserable experience.  I did not have a strategy going into the simulation but after the first period when I made all of my decisions everything I had done worked. Stock was up, revenue was good, I was a marketing genius.  That first period gave me this psuedo confidence that ultimately destroyed me.  Every other period after, Allround, a name that will always give me nightmares, sank lower and lower.  I felt as though I was trying to climb out of a hole where the walls were made of quick sand.  The worst part about it was not only the feeling of dejection, but being forced to write about how miserable I had failed and how I planned to fix it. 

During the course of this simulation I was completely reactionary. I had no money to spend because my budget was negative since the 4th period maybe 3rd.  So making decisions did not involve much strategy because I didn't have any money to spend.  Basically, I had to cut spending in places (primarily advertising) and then try  and use that money to maximize areas that were successful.  It was like trying to revive a zombie, why do when it is already dead.

What did I learn? I honestly think I learned more about life than marketing during the course of this simulation.  I learned that sometimes you are going to have to write about your failures as horrible as it may be.  I learned all the different ways to make a successful company fail.  I learned how funny similes can be when describing misery.  I learned that if I would have done even slight research I could have aced this simulation. But ultimately I learned not to dwell on the past and live for the future. So I will gladly put this experience behind me and never look back.  

What did I achieve?  It is hard to say exactly what I achieved, honestly I am not sure.  I achieved a mediocre grade on the simulation.  Something, I am not proud of but own up to. 

What would I have done differently?  This is a weighted question I could go into all of the poor decisions I made throughout the simulation assess them and go through the alternate decisions I should have made based on my marketing strategy. I could analyze the products I chose to make for Allround and describe why they were bad choices, but I would be here for a fortnight describing the mistakes for second period alone.  When it comes down to it the only thing I would have changed is the time I decided to do research on this simulation.

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Marketing Management: Discuss your experience with the marketing nbspsimulation
Reference No:- TGS02185631

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