
Discuss your current career path and employment goals

Response to the following:

Having a clear vision of what we are trying to achieve before we take action is a key factor in reaching and accomplishing any goals we set. Do you have a mental image or a vision of who you will be in your career or in your future? Articulating or setting goals for yourself and your career is the first step in helping you eventually reaching those goals. This course is not only to allow the opportunity for you to apply essential professional applications to your respective academic coursework, but we also want to provide you with resources to be a successful employee and meet your career goals.

You will complete a 950 word written assignment discussing your current career path and employment goals. Below you will find the questions to be answered for this assignment.

If you are currently employed is it in your desired career?

If you are not currently working what is your designed career? (working as a programmer Analyst) What has been your career path up until now?

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HR Management: Discuss your current career path and employment goals
Reference No:- TGS02120929

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