
Discuss your concerns acquire required background

Assessment  -1:

This assessment requires you to role-play an employee of BD Corp Eatery. It requires you to prepare for discuss and come to an agreement in relation to an ongoing business relationship. The business details are as follows

Legal Name  BD Corp Eatery Pty Ltd
ACN/ABN 445 548 897 / 15 445 548 897
Address (including postal) 114 Main Road, Melbourne Vic 3000
Phone 03 9987 7789
Web/email  www.bdeatery.com.au / [email protected] 
Owners Name  Billy Bobington
Trading Breakfast (Buffet) servicing 25 boutique hotels located within a 3 block radius -operates on average at 72% capacity (average 3 seatings per service period) Lunch (a-la-carte) - operates on average at 48% capacity (average 1 seating per service period) Dinner (a-la-carte) - operates on average at 52% capacity, average 2 seatings per session (i.e. 123 customers per service period)
Venue  80 seats plus 12 seats footpath trading (only used in summer and lunch service).
Liquor Liquor license only allows alcohol to be sold on premises with food and with meals (12.00pm - 11,00pm). No BYO is permitted, no exceptions.
Copyright APRA AMCOS License held for background music via CD / DVD's

Costs / Overheads

Breakfasts retail at $20 - 525 per head La-carte-menu prices range as follows,
- Entrees $8 - $16
- Mains 518 - $36
- Desserts S12 - $24
Set menus details
- $77 per head - Shared entree platter, Mains and Sides. Dessert or Cheese Platter, Tea or Coffee
- $88 per head - Individual entrées, Mains with 2 sides. Dessert or Cheese Platter, Tea or Coffee
- S99 per head - Shared entrée tasting platter with full entree range. Shared meat platter with at least 300 gm pp, Dessert tasting plate with 3 different desserts. Tea or Coffee
Set menu conditions
- Minimum 4 persons required per set menu option. Each person in the party must order the same set menu (i.e. - no a-la-carte / set menu option within the group)
- Vegetarian versions of set menus are available at the same costs as Non-vegetarian set menus
- Children aged 12 and are priced at 50% of set menu price
Profit margin - minimum of 10%. Example mark-up for a dish that sells for $36 is as follows
- Ingredients $10 (28%) - GST $3.28 (9.1%)
- Overheads / expenses $4.79 (13.3%) - Rent $2.23 (7.8%)
- Labour $12.37 (35.2%) - Profit $3.60 (10%)
Minimum function booking requirements (full restaurant)
- Monday - Thursday (70% of average seating capacity)
- Friday - Sunday (90% of average seating capacity)

Scenario 1

This scenario relates to customer functions. It comprises of 2 parts:

Part 1 - You are to draft a function agreement for the function customers to sign on acceptance. Your agreement should allow for and set out:
- Customer details
- Agreement details including expected services to be provided price and payment options
- Terms and conditions of the agreement including performance indicators
Once you have completed your draft, you are to meet with your assessor (who will role-play your supervisor) to gain feedback. Explain your thought process and what you are trying to achieve, listen to what your colleague has to say, and modify it as appropriate. You must obtain approval from your supervisor to use this contract, along with your minimum and maximum prices before staffing Part 2
Part 2 - This component requires you to meet with a customer and negotiate a group booking. It is important that you are prepared before your meeting, so you should:
- Know your products
- Know your prices and associated costs
- Know your availability
- Have all paperwork prepared, ready to be completed on agreement Once you have negotiated the booking details you are agree and sign off on the agreement with the customer.

Assessment 1 evidence summary: You are to:
- Submit your draft function agreement

- Discuss your agreement with your assessor (role-playing supervisor). and gain approval for use
- Negotiate an agreement with your customer.
- Submit your final function agreement, completed and signed off by customer and company

Assessment -2:

Continuing from Assessment 1, you have just been promoted to restaurant manager with BD Eatery. Your first actions were to review the ongoing agreements and expenditure of the business. In this instance you are looking at the restaurants cleaning contract.
BD Eatery has a contract with Looking Good Ply Ltd. They have been working with the business since January 2017. You think the restaurant is paying too much for the cleaning, and you are not 100% satisfied with the quality of the work performed. Prime examples are as follows:
- Last Monday the exhaust fans did not look like they were cleaned
- Last week, on 2 occasions the bathroom sinks were left with water stains
- Last Friday and again on the following Wednesday, the window sills were not dusted and were left with a film of dirt over them.
- Note: the above examples are only within the last 2 weeks. You have noticed a decline in their work for the past 2 months.
The contract was signed by the Head Chef of BD Eatery - Christopher Gallagher just over 7 months ago. Todays date is 1 September 2017
Part 1:
You are to schedule a meeting with your employer (role-played by your assessor) to discuss your concerns with the cleaning contract. Your aim of the meeting is gain any important information and to determine the action you will take to improve the cleaning contract with BD Eatery

Part 2:

Following Part 1, you are to schedule an appointment with Looking Good Pty Ltd to discuss your concerns, and to try to renegotiate the contract to the benefit of the company. A copy the contract will be provided by your assessor. Your aims are to:
- Improve the quality of work performed by Looking Good Pty Ltd
- Introduce appropriate KPI's to be achieved
- Incorporate a contact schedule to discuss performance of Looking Good Pty Ltd
- Obtain a lower price for the work to be performed
- Come to an amicable arrangement (if possible) to improve the services provided by Looking Good Pty Ltd Your assessor will role-play Sarah, the CEO of Looking Good Pty Ltd.

It is important that you are prepared for this meeting. Know what you are after, determine your aims and goals, and ensure you know the minimum terms you will agree to in order to continue with the contract

You are to submit one of the following to your supervisor (your assessor) after your meeting with Looking Good Pty Ltd
- A new agreement signed by yourself and Looking Good Pty Ltd with the new terms of service along with a short summary of the agreement for company records; OR
- Written notification to your assessor stating why you will not continue with Looking Good Pty Ltd, along with recommendations on the next actions to undertake.

Assessment 2 evidence summary: You are to:
- Discuss your concerns / acquire required background information with you supervisor (role-played by your supervisor),
- Arrange a meeting and negotiate an improved contract with Looking Good Pty Ltd
- Submit a new agreement signed by yourself and Looking Good Pty Ltd with the new terms of service along with a short summary of the agreement for company records.

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Dissertation: Discuss your concerns acquire required background
Reference No:- TGS02519327

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