
Discuss your authors biography

For your research paper, you will choose any author that interests you to write about. A word of advice, choose an author that you want to know something about not one that you are already an expert on. If you are going to have to do research, learn something in the process instead of just reading the same stuff you already know.

Your paper will be 3-4 pages long with at least 4 sources. You'll follow the MLA format. I highly recommend you read the section in the book on doing research before you begin writing.

In your paper, you will discuss your author's biography, analyze one or more of their works, review the relevant criticism about them, and give your own personal criticism on the author. This strays slightly from a traditional research paper in that I want your personal views on the author after you have studied their life and works.

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Other Subject: Discuss your authors biography
Reference No:- TGS0673346

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