On the preceding "Overview" page were several bulleted points that characterize the Post-Modernist period in which we currently live, along with a link to further your understanding. Considering our contemporary culture, select two of the bulleted points below and discuss whether or not you feel the statements accurately reflect our culture. Cite specific examples of how these statements are accurate characterizations of this generation or how they are not.
A. There is no absolute truth - Postmodernists believe that the notion of truth is a contrived illusion, misused by people and special interest groups to gain power over others.
B. Truth and error are synonymous - Postmodernists claim facts are too limiting to determine anything. Changing erratically, what is a fact today can be false tomorrow.
C. Self-conceptualization and rationalization - Postmodernists spurn traditional logic and objectivity. Preferring to rely on opinions rather than embrace facts, postmodernists spurn the scientific method.
D. Traditional authority is false and corrupt - Postmodernists speak out against the constraints of religious morals and secular authority. They wage intellectual revolution to voice their concerns about the traditional establishment.
E. Ownership - They claim that collective ownership would most fairly administrate goods and services.
F. Disillusionment with modernism - Postmodernists rue the unfulfilled promises of science, technology, government, and religion.
G. Morality is personal - Believing ethics to be relative, postmodernists subject morality to personal opinion. They define morality as each person's code of ethics without the need to follow traditional values and rules.
H. Globalization - Many postmodernists claim that national boundaries hinder human communication. Nationalism, they believe, causes wars. Therefore, postmodernists often propose internationalism and uniting separate countries.
I. All religions are valid - Valuing inclusive faiths, postmodernists gravitate towards New Age religion. They denounce the exclusive claims of Jesus Christ as the only way to God.