
Discuss yodas remedyin both fact patterns above present all

Yoda just got a job offer. The job is located in Awayville. Awayvilleis 70 miles north of Binghamton. Yoda wants to accept the joboffer, still live in Binghamton, and commute to Awayville on a dailybasis. This will result in travel expense relates to approximately 700miles per week. To make this plan work, Yoda needs a car that willget at least 25 miles per gallon of gasoline.Yoda goes to Darth's Used Car Dealership. Yoda tells Darth thatYoda needs a car that gets at least 25 miles per gallon of gasoline. Yoda explains the Awayville job situation and Darth says, "Iunderstand - I will check my inventory - I will be right back." Darthgoes into his office and looks through two different files of used carinventory. One file contains all cars that get over 25 miles per gallonof gasoline and the other file contains all cars that get under 25miles per gallon of gasoline. Darth selects a used car from the filethat indicates that the cars get over 25 miles per gallon of gasolineand says to Yoda, "Look at this car - it gets 30 miles per gallon ofgasoline." Yoda buys the car and drives it to Awayville for oneweek. The car gets 10 miles per gallon of gasoline. Assume that Darth misfiled the car that Yoda bought, - that is....itwas mistakenly placed in the wrong file; it should have been put inthe file that gets under 25 miles per gallon of gasoline. DiscussYoda's remedy.Assume that Darth did not misfile the car, but in fact, knew that thecar only got 10 miles per gallon of gasoline...and told Yoda that thecar gets 30 miles per gallon of gasoline. Discuss Yoda's remedy.In both fact patterns above, present all relevant legal rules,concepts, and doctrines to support your discussion. Comment onthe postings of your classmates.

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Business Management: Discuss yodas remedyin both fact patterns above present all
Reference No:- TGS02606891

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