Discuss why you chose the words and concepts and why your


Survey U.S.-based companies and/or organizations to identify those that have codes of ethics, officers, hot lines, training programs, etc. Then, craft your own code of ethics, which will govern your behavior in the MBA program. After you craft this code, dissect it into phrases and or concepts to show what resources from your research helped you derive the phrases/concepts. Discuss why you chose the words and concepts and why your code reads the way it does. Support your discussion with evidence from reputable resources.


For each of the seven categories of global corporate citizenship, identify what stage Stryker (https://www.stryker.com) falls (Use Figure 7.1 to help you structure your response). Describe briefly why you staged each category the way you did, and provide evidence to support your conclusion. Give at least one example (for each category) of what the company could do to improve. Support your discussion with evidence from reputable resources, as well as content and concepts from the text.


Review the case titled "Apple's Supplier Code of Conduct and Foxconn's Chinese Factories," Address the following: Do you think Apple has demonstrated global corporate citizenship, as defined in this chapter? Why or why not? In its response to problems in its contractor factories, do you think Apple moved through the stages of corporate citizenship presented in this chapter? Why do you think so? Note: The issues reported in the case have continued to unfold since the text was published. Be sure to extend the discussion into the present, by supporting your discussion with evidence from reputable resources


Review the case titled "Apple's Supplier Code of Conduct and Foxconn's Chinese Factories," Address the following: What are the advantages and disadvantages to Apple of using its own company-specific supplier code of conduct, rather than a global code, such as those discussed in this chapter? What are the advantages and disadvantages to Apple of using an independent third-party auditor, rather than rely solely on its own internal audits? Support your discussion with evidence from reputable resources: The issues reported in the case have continued to unfold since the text was published. Be sure to extend the discussion into the present, by supporting your discussion with evidence from reputable resources.

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Business Management: Discuss why you chose the words and concepts and why your
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