Discuss why you bought this particular product

Assignment task: Start the assignment by identifying a consumer product that you recently purchased. It can be a large purchase, such as a car, or a small one, such as a pack of gum. Then, do the following:

Q1. Discuss why you bought this particular product. Consider issues such as the brand, size, flavor, color, why you wanted or needed it, etc. Would you consider it a want or a need? Why did you classify it in this way?

Q2. Conduct research on that product to learn more about how it is manufactured, distributed, and disposed of when it is done being used. What workers are needed to produce this product? What type of environmental impact does this product have?

Q3. Now that you know more information about this product, how do you feel about your purchase? Would you make the same decision to purchase this product? If so, why? If not, what would you do differently?

Q4. Using at least three of the course learning materials, discuss what it means to live in a consumer society, and how our values around consumerism might change if people were to learn more information about the products they purchased. What are some alternatives to consumerism that may better benefit our environment, and our overall society (such as purchasing more durable goods, etc.)?

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Reference No:- TGS03275957

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