
Discuss why these elements were most concerning to you in


Assumptions About Psychological Testing and Assessment

• Attributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions.

• Identify the assumption by number and title that presented the most questions for you. (Include the number and title in your subject line of the discussion thread when you post it.)

Also, include an indicator about how concerning the assumption is to you at this time (that is, 0 = No concern at all, just the most problematic relative to all other assumptions I am presented; 1 = Somewhat concerned with this assumption; 2 = Very concerned with this assumption; 3 = Significantly concerned and in disagreement with this assumption).

• Identify specific parts or elements of the assumption that were most concerning to you.

• Analyze if the assumption elements identified are based on (a) your previous experiences, (b) others' perspectives, (c) facts, or (d) a combination of these.

• Discuss why these elements were most concerning to you in terms of those previous experiences, perspectives, or facts. Essentially, share an example of those experiences or knowledge that resulted in your current concern.

• Identify which future chapter in the Psychological Testing and Assessment text may be important and relevant for you, based on the assumption you identified (Hint: Look through the Table of Contents or Index in your text for help).

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Applied Statistics: Discuss why these elements were most concerning to you in
Reference No:- TGS02346462

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