Discuss why the events are of significance

Discussion Post: Healthcare in Managing

Question I

Choose one of the following topics: Office of the Inspector General (OIG), Corporate Compliance Program, Recovery Audit Contractor (as it relates to fraud and abuse), HIPAA Breach Notification Rule, HIPAA Cyber Security and Attacks, Fraud and Abuse (penalties and differences), Ethics Standards

• Critically evaluate the topic in relation to managing a healthcare facility. Be specific and avoid general statements such as "an administrator should be aware."

• Evaluate and analyze any current changes or recent events involving the topic. Discuss why these events are of significance and how they might impact a healthcare facility. Consider financial impacts, staffing, information systems, etc.

Question II

Historically and for the most part, ACOs have been effective in reducing health care spending without negatively affecting the quality of patient care.

• Research and discuss some of the challenges that ACO's have and will experience in the future due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

• Here is a good article to get you started: How Accountable Care Organizations Can Survive the Next Healthcare Crisis.

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Discuss why the events are of significance
Reference No:- TGS03111452

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