Case Assignment. This has to be done in APA FORMAT.
Must be 4 to 5 pages not including the title and reference page. Must have cited material along with reference page.
Please use the headings provided within the assignment itself. Please make sure the information under each heading is understood.
No Plagiarism. Please make sure you understand the assignment.
Module - Case
The Literature Review
Case Assignment
Reading and assessing the literature on a topic is an important first step in the identification of a research problem for your dissertation study. Write a 4- to 5-page paper that addresses the following (use the headings provided below to construct your paper):
Provide a brief introduction to your paper.
The Literature Review
Discuss why a literature review is provided in a research article and how the literature review is used to guide research studies (remember to use the module readings to support your discussion).
Steps to Conduct a Literature Review
Using Oliver (2012) and Aryio (2012), provide a discussion of how to approach writing a literature review, assume you are new to the topic under study. Discuss each step of the process in detail.
Types of Literature Reviews
Using Oliver (2012) and Aryio (2012), explain how a quantitative literature review differs from a qualitative literature review. Include a discussion on how the methodology can impact the structure of the literature review.
Provide a brief conclusion for your paper.
Assignment Expectations
Your paper will be assessed on the following criteria:
Assignment-driven Criteria: Demonstrates mastery covering all key elements of the assignment in a substantive way.
Critical Thinking/Application to Professional Practice: Demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem, and careful consideration of experts or research in the field of educational leadership. Module content and concepts are thoroughly and thoughtfully analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated. Conclusions are logically presented and applied to professional practice in an exceptional manner.
Scholarly Writing: Demonstrates mastery and proficiency in scholarly written communication at the doctoral level.
Quality of References and Assignment Organization: Demonstrates mastery using relevant and quality sources and uses appropriate, relevant, and compelling content from the module readings or other sources to support ideas, convey understanding of the topic and shape the whole work.
Citing Sources: Demonstrates mastery applying APA formatting standards to both in-text citations and the reference list.
Professionalism and Timeliness: Demonstrates excellence in taking responsibility for learning; adhering to course requirement policies and expectations. Assignment submitted on time or collaborated with professor for an approved extension on due date.