
Discuss who will be responsible for security probably more

The Exhibition

The exhibition of Designer Jewelry - Artists of the South Pacific is being held in the foyer of a large Honolulu, Hawaii, hotel. The governor will open the exhibition, and a number of dignitaries from Tahiti, Guam, Tonga, and Samoa will be in attendance. There will be some security risks associated with the visiting guests, as well as with the items on display. Threats and protests concerning these dignitaries could also disrupt the opening.

Assignment Checklist

1. Discuss who will be responsible for security (probably more than one body)? Should security be outsourced? Why, or why not?

2. What are some of the potential security problems and how would you solve them?

3. What are the occupational health and safety issues and how should these be addressed?

4. What steps can be taken to prevent a security incident?

5. What types of plans should be in place should an incident occur? If one were to occur, what should be done?

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Other Subject: Discuss who will be responsible for security probably more
Reference No:- TGS01112631

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