Susie, a newly graduated BBA in accounting, has started a job with the state budgeting office. Susie has been placed over expense accounts. The state has a travel policy stating that a state employee may be reimbursed up to $90 per night for a hotel room and up to $40 per day for meals, as long as the employee turns in food receipts. On the first expense account Susie works on, the employee has a hotel receipt for $130 a night, but no food expenses. Susie processes the reimbursement for $90. The employee becomes irate as his reading of the travel policy is that he can be reimbursed for $130 a night for hotel and food with a receipt. The employee claims this has never been a problem in the past and has always been reimbursed $130 a night, whether for hotel only or both hotel and food.
Discuss which ethical theory supports Susie and the employee's take on the travel policy. Which would you choose, and why?