Discuss whether you think methodology choice is appropriate

Assignment task:

Buchs, C., Filippou, D., & Rychen, D. S. (2019). The impact of teaching practices on students' cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes: A meta-analysis. Journal of Educational Psychology, 111(8), 1426-1453. doi: 10.1037/edu0000362.

1. Critically analyse the article above in a presentation by looking at its aim(s), objective(s), research questions, literature review, methodology and what was found in that particular research.

2. Critically discuss whether you think methodology choice is appropriate. Also comment on the main divisions/ part of the literature (Are there parts missing? Are there parts not so suitable for inclusion etc). In terms of the conclusion: Are the concluding remarks answering the research questions?

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Other Subject: Discuss whether you think methodology choice is appropriate
Reference No:- TGS03378318

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