Consider the quandary of honesty, and that although it is generally a morally sound quality for leaders, at times it might do more harm than good.
Your lesson this week discusses some scenarios of this kind. Other examples might include:
Should your doctor lie to you about a life-threatening diagnosis if he or she knows that your awareness of the condition would likely bring about anxiety and depression that would almost certainly make recovery far less likely?
Is the government justified in lying to us about its espionage efforts, or about overseas military operations, if the aim is to keep us safe and if publicizing them would undermine these efforts?
Read the article and discuss whether you think it is ever ethical for a leader to lie if the intent and/or the result is to benefit the team as a whole. Why or why not?
Is Lying for the Greater Good Ethical? - Should you always tell the truth? By Thomas G. Plante.
Read the quote from Secretary of State Colin Powell. (See link below). Do you agree with Powell that good leaders should "share the credit" but "take the blame"? Why or why not?
Colin Powell's rules to live by EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP.
Must be at least 300 words and in APA format.