
Discuss whether true unity is technically possible and why

In 15 or more well-written and well-researched pages, explain the relative merits and challenges of Cybersecurity Standards. Discuss the merits of unified architectures vs. proprietary technologies in ensuring standards compliance and cybersecurity? (One application environment wherein unified architectures have been successful is in the production process control environment. ) A unified architecture is one wherein the software, systems, and environment are all built/purchased to be compliant with all standards for the environment and wherein there are no in-house (proprietary) non-standard solutions deployed. A unified architecture results in the use of a single hardware/software architecture configuration for all deployments in a given domain/environment of computing technology usage. Conversely, a proprietary deployment would be one in which the system is optimized for performance and in-house needs and may (or may not) be compliant with one or more standards.

More about unified architectures for process control systems.

In your paper discuss whether it is possible to formulate global standards that unify standards such as CMM and ISO 27001. Discuss the challenges posed to the development of global standards by cyberattack technologies. In the discussion of challenges posed to the development of global standards, be sure to reference the material covered in the Penetration Testing book by Weidman for examples of cyberattack technologies and penetration methods that the standards must address.

Discuss whether true unity is technically possible and why or why not If true unity is not technically possible, how should budgeters and policy-makers be guided to make the correct decision on IT Security investments? Support your position with evidence from the required readings as well as other sources and be sure to cite diligently. Describe real-world examples that help support your position.

The paper's page count is from the paper's Introduction to its Conclusion. The table of contents, section headings and sub-headings are required. The page count DOES NOT include the title page, the table of contents page, the references, and appendices. The page count also does not include additional sections such as an abstract.

The paper should include, at a minimum, the relative merits and challenges of the Cybersecurity Standards. It should also answer the questions above in depth.

At least 75% of the references should be based on official reports, scholarly studies, or peer-reviewed journal articles (IEEE, ACM, BlackHat, or similar).

Prepare your paper in Word format and submit it through your Assignments Folder. The citations and the reference list in the paper should be formatted in accordance with APA 6th edition guidelines.

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Computer Network Security: Discuss whether true unity is technically possible and why
Reference No:- TGS01087146

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