
Discuss whether it is ethical for the nba to draft players

The written case study paper shall be no longer than 3 pages in length. The case studies shall be based on a real-world ethical situation you have personally encountered. It must be about an ethical problem that you, personally, had to solve; not one that was solved, or should have been solved, by someone else.

The case study format shall include the following elements:

Title of the case

Facts regarding the case

A one-sentence statement of the ethical problem

Possible alternative responses and/or solutions to the ethical problem

Describe each alternative response and/or solution fully

Analyze each alternative response and/or solution giving the advantages/disadvantages; pros/cons of each

Give your recommended alternative and the reasons for choosing it

For example, do not discuss whether it is ethical for the NBA to draft players right out of high school unless you work for the NBA or were drafted right out of high school.

Other examples are: observe a co-worker not following company policies, a manager is bullying, falsely accused by a co-worker where they are the ones doing the stealing, observing an indiscretion with co-workers that hinder productivity and effectiveness at work, calling in sick to attend a child’s athletic event, finding a wallet on the ground with cash, plagiarism in a paper or cheating on a test and getting caught, students ask for your answers to the mid-term to copy, etc.

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Operation Management: Discuss whether it is ethical for the nba to draft players
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