Discuss when average product is rising


1. Which of the following statements is true
a) If demand is inelastic, price and total revenue move opposite directions
b) If demand is unit elastic. price and total revenue move in the same direction
c) If demand is elastic. price and total revenue move in the same direction
e) None of these are true
d is missing)

2. Which of the following is likely to have a negative cross elasticity of demand?
a) Aluminum foil and cellphone
b) any inferior good
c)rocket V-8 and Chevrolet engines
d)Three musketeers and Snickers candy bars
e) Milk and cookies

3. If we are at a point below the midpoint of a linear demand curve, demand will be own price
a) elastic
b) inelastic
c) unit elastic
d) who knows?
e) who cares?

4. When the price of sugar was "low", consumers in the Unites states spent a total of INR3 billion annually on its consumption. When the price doubled, consumer expenditures actually increased to INR4 billion annually. This indicates that
a) the demand for sugar is inelastic
b) the demand curve for sugar is upward sloping
c) the demand for sugar is elastic
d) sugar consumption violates the law of demand
e) none of the above

5. The demand for a commodity is more likely to be price elastic
a) the smaller the number of substitutes for the commodity
b) the larger the number of substitutes for the commodity
c) the smaller the importance of the commodity in the consumer's budget
d) at high prices rather than low prices on a linear demand curve

6. A fixed input is
a) any input whose quantity can be changed easily in the long run
b) an input whose quantity can be changed in the short run, but not in the long run
c) an input whose quantity can be changed in the long run, but not in the short run
d) an input restored to sound condition after damage
e) both a and b

7. Of the following, the long run is primarily concerned with
a) that period of time in which some of the firm's inputs are fixed
b) that period of time in which all of the firm's inputs are fixed
c) that period of time in which all of the firm's inputs are variable
d) the Boston Marathon
e) the exploits of Emmit Smith

8. Which of the following shows, for a given level of technology, the maximum output rate that can be achieved from a given amount of inputs?
a) the marginal rate of technical substitution
b) an isocost'
c)a production possibilities frontier
d) a production function
e) none of the above is correct

9. The ratio of total output to the quantity of a particular input used is called
a) the average product of an input
b) the marginal product of an input
c) the marginal rate of substitution
d) the marginal rate of technical substitution
e) none of the above

10. When average product is rising
a) marginal product equals average product
b) marginal product is increasing
c) marginal product Is less than average product
d) marginal product is decreasing
e) marginal product is greater than average product

11. The law of diminishing returns
a) refers to the long run
b) assumes that at least one input is being held fixed
c) says that eventually, the average product will begin to fall
d) all of the above
e) both b and c

12. At the point where the marginal product curve intersects the average product of a variable input like labor
a) the marginal product curve reaches its maximum value
b) the average product curve reaches its minimum value
c) the total product curve reaches its maximum value
d) the average product curve reaches its maximum value
e) the marginal cost curve reaches its maximum value

13. Costs which represent opportunities foregone but which do not involve making monetary payments to persons outside the firm are called
a) explicit costs
b) Implicit costs
c) indirect costs
d) direct costs
e) separable costs

14. Which of the following is an example of an implicit cost?
a) wage payments to employees
b) the best wage offer that the owner of a mom and pop store could obtain if they closed down the store
c) the interest that could have been earned if the owner of a store had sold the store and invested the proceeds
d) all of the above are explicit costs

15. the change in total variable cost when output changes by one unit is called
a) marginal cost
b) average variable cost
c)average total cost
d) both a and b are true

16. Diminishing returns to a variable input are evidenced by
a) rising marginal cost
b) falling marginal products
c) falling marginal cost
d) both a and b
e) both a and c

17. When a firm operates with total revenue equal to total economic cost, its owners earn from their resources owned and used in their firm
a) exactly nothing
b) exactly as much as they could earn from the resources they their next best alternative
c) less than they could earn at their next best alternative
d) unable to tell

18. If the demand for a firm's product is inelastic at the price, which of the following statements is true?
a) The firm can increase its total revenue by raising its price
b) The firm can increase its profit by raising its price
c) both a and b are true because total revenue will rise and costs will fall as the firm produces less
d) unable to tell

19. If a good is Giffen, then we know that
a) its demand curve is upward sloping
b) its own price elasticity of demand is positive and its income elasticity is negative because it is inferior
c) its own price elasticity of demand is negative and its income elasticity is positive
d) its cross price elasticity is positive
e) none of this is true

20. When Henry Ford lowered the price of Model T's, its total revenues rose spectacularly,. This suggest that the price elasticity of demand for Model T's was
a) inelastic
b) elastic
c) unit elastic
d) unable to tell

21. If a demand curve is a vertical line, then
a) the demand is perfectly elastic
b) the Elasticity coefficient is (-infinity)
c) the elasticity coefficient is zero
d) demand has unitary price elasticity
e) none of these

23. If a good is inferior then its income elasticity will be
a) positive b) zero c) infinite d) negative

24. When price is INR10, quantity demanded is 20. If the price falls to INR5, quantity demanded rises to 47. It follows that the arc own price elasticity of demand is _______.

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Microeconomics: Discuss when average product is rising
Reference No:- TGS01864709

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