
Discuss what test reports are how and where they are used

Essay Project Assignment

Testing reports are used to track and communicate the progress and level of success of testing efforts.

For this project you will research Test reporting in software unit testing.
All work must be in your own words. No copied text or referenced text.
You essay should not be any longer than 6 pages of double spaced text.
The font must not be greater than 11 point and no less than 10 point.
Use the Arial font for your paper.

Do not use images to use up space. Images are fine if they truly describe a concept. But you are better off without using images and diagrams.

Part 1 - Research unit test reporting.

Discuss what test reports are, how and where they are used.
How does unit test reporting fit within the SDLC
What are the key metrics a unit test should capture and show?
Provide a sample test report of your own.

Part 2 - Select one common unit test tool.
Describe this tool and how it is used.

How should I submit my project?

Electronic Submission (mandatory):

Submit your source word documentto the "Project 2" dropbox in FanshaweOnline.

Make sure to write your name and student number on the first page.

Submit your paper on time!

Submissions must be made on time! Late projects will be subject to divisional policy on missed test and late projects.
Submit your own work and keep it to yourself!

It is considered cheating to submit work done by another student or from another source. Helping another student cheat by sharing your work with them is also not tolerated. Students are encouraged to share ideas and to work together on practice exercises, but any code or documentation prepared for a project must be done by the individual student. Penalties for cheating or helping another student cheat may include being assigned zero on the project with even more severe penalties if you are caught cheating more than once. Just submit your own work and benefit from having made the effort on your own.

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Software Engineering: Discuss what test reports are how and where they are used
Reference No:- TGS02608050

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