In this problem, you get to choose a topic of interest. Identify a scholarly article, book chapter or video (use of library resources is needed) relating to a topic of Leadership in Human Services Administration. The information should come from a reputable source (peer-reviewed journal, book chapter, ted-talk).
• Relationship to Course: The relationship to the course means that you succinctly summarize how this reading assignment relates to the class. Support how you view your chosen reading assignment in connection to the course. Use examples and details from the syllabus, other readings, and classwork. For example, "the syllabus states students develop an appreciation for....and this assignment made me more aware of.
• Personal Reaction: Discuss your reaction to your chosen reading. Does it have the potential to impact your current or future work/family relationships? Is so, how and if not, why not? Include personal reflections. Use examples, 'For example'.
• Understanding of the Issue: Comment whether the information was presented in a manner that increased your understanding of the issue. Students should validate comments with examples taken from the article indicating how your understanding has increased. "For example," I now understand the concepts of.
• Enhancement of Knowledge: Discuss what specific knowledge of yours was enhanced as a result of this information. Students should validate comments with examples taken from the reading.