
Discuss what rn would teach client about bipolar disorder


A 28-year-old elementary school teacher begins to exhibit uncharacteristic behaviors such as having multiple sexual partners, engaging in compulsive online shopping, barely sleeping, dressing in a more provocative fashion, and attending frequent "wild" parties. Friends and family report these recent behaviors as "totally unlike her," describing her as a normally conservative, responsible person. Her cousin, who lives nearby, becomes concerned and accompanies the woman to a Crisis Unit where she is subsequently diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and admitted to a Mental Health Unit.

Initial Discussion Post:

Address the following:

• What is the priority RN action for this client?
• Which medical concerns may be significant, considering this client's recent behavior?
• Discuss what the RN would teach the client about Bipolar Disorder.
• Provide two nursing diagnosis statements (each statement must include an actual nursing diagnosis (no risk-for diagnoses), related factor and as evidenced by) that might apply to this client.

• Large, M. M. (2016). What every ED nurse should know about suicide risk assessment. Journal of Emergency Nursing: JEN: Official Publication Of The Emergency Department Nurses Association, 42(3), 199-200. doi:10.1016/j.jen.2016.02.013


• Roberson, C. (2016). Suicide assessment and prevention. Alabama Nurse, 42(4), 8-9, 12-14. Retrieved from


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