Discuss what procedures would you take to fulfill the order

Assignent: Emerging Threats And Counter Measures

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Scenario:

Part 1:

You are the IT lead for a small IT company in Florida that sells computers. The company just received one of the most massive orders from a high school on a government base to ship 500 desktop computers located in VA. A natural disaster occurred (hurricane) has left your location without power; however, you do have cellular service, "most of the roads are not travelable." Due to the power outage in your area, the U.S. postal service and others will not be delivering. The CEO needs this transaction to occur as this could lead to a long-lasting relationship and will keep the company above water.

1. What procedures would you take to fulfill the order?

2. Create a short guide to keep business going if the power is disrupted again in the future due to a hurricane.

Part 2:

The power has been restored, and hackers are attempting to take advantage of the opportunity and crisis, therefore, using Kali Linux (Metasploit) to gain access to company servers. Your company has a Windows-based server, which Windows is prone to attacks. You assume that your company is maybe next in a Ransomware attack as other IT companies are falling victim within your local area.

1. What steps will you take to ensure that you do not become a victim of ransomware?

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Management Information Sys: Discuss what procedures would you take to fulfill the order
Reference No:- TGS03006808

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