
Discuss what performance indicators could be used to

In this assignment you will analyse, model and attempt to improve a business process from a real organisation of your choice. You should identify a specific business process and model it in detail, subsequently making recommendations for improvement.

You may work individually or in groups of two. Before choosing to work in a pair, carefully consider the following points:

• Group assignments will be expected to tackle more complex processes.

• You must be confident that the person you are planning to work with has a commitment to the work that is equal to yours. Equal marks will be given to each student.

Your submission will take the form of a report to management of the organisation you are investigating. Your report should include at least the following sections:

1. Statement of the purpose of the report.

2. Brief background about the organisation.

3. Brief background about the process being considered, including a description of how the information required to analyse the process was obtained.

4. As-Is model of the business process.

• Modelling should be done in BPMN and supplemented with descriptions of assumptions and business rules etc. as needed.

5. A discussion of any issues or problems identified with respect to the process.

6. Recommendations for improvement including a model of the improved process.

• Use your As-Is model as a basis identifying how the process can be improved. For example consider automating some tasks by using information technology or changing the sequence of activities or making parallel paths in the process

• Use BPMN to represent the To-Be process

• Discuss what performance indicators could be used to measure success.

Note: In the presentation of the report including formatting, table of contents etc is also important. The whole report should be submitted as one document.

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Business Management: Discuss what performance indicators could be used to
Reference No:- TGS01269559

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