What to Address in Your Paper:
Your paper should be 3-4 pages (double-spaced), not including your tweet download (an Excel file) which will be submitted as a separate file.
Open with an introduction and close with a conclusion so the paper is coherent overall, focusing on the use of Twitter, blogging, and Diigo to develop a personal learning network. Address each question listed below; you may reorganize the order of the questions to make your writing flow well.
· How is Twitter used in a professional learning network?
· Describe the nature of the tweets that you sent. How did you decide when and what to tweet?
· How did Twitter help you interact with the class? With other people?
· How did the different functions impact the communication experience (hashtag, @, RT)?
· List at least 4 Twitter accounts that you followed outside of class related to educational technology and explain how you interacted with them.
· What did you learn about educational technology from following other people's tweets (classmates and outside handles, class hashtag)?
· Also discuss what made your Twitter experience (un)successful, and whether you anticipate using it in the future - as a teacher or otherwise.
· How is blogging used in a professional learning network?
· How did you interact with the class through blogging?
· What did you consider other than the blog prompt when writing your blogs?
· What did you learn about educational technology through writing the blogs? Reading other people's blogs?
· What benefits (and/or detriments) do you ascribe to blogging as opposed to writing and submitting a static paper?
· What made your blog experience (un)successful, and whether you anticipate using blogs in the future - as a teacher or otherwise? Why or why not?
· How is social annotation used in a professional learning network?
· How did you interact with the class through Diigo?
· How did you choose which sites to bookmark?
· Discuss your opinions on the usefulness of tags, descriptions, highlights, sticky notes, comments, and topics.
· What did you learn about educational technology through using social bookmarking and annotation?
· What made your social bookmarking experience (un)successful?
· Do you anticipate using a tool like Diigo in the future - as a teacher or otherwise? Why or why not?