
Discuss what legislation has been developed to reduce noise


Case Analysis Summary Steps

1. Select a topic on an issue relating to materials and module objectives covered in this module. (objectives listed below)

2. Research and analyze using scholarly resources.

3. Length/format: 1-2 pages (including references), APA format.

4. Include: Summary, Problem, Significance of the problem, two Alternative Actions, Recommendation and a Reference page.

5. In order to receive full credit, assignments must be submitted by the due date. You may lose points, at the discretion of your instructor, for late submissions.

Module Objectives: Choose one

1. Explain the many technologies the aviation industry is using or developing to decrease carbon emission and fuel consumption.
2. Discuss what legislation has been developed to reduce noise, specifically the Airport Noise and Capacity Act of 1990 in the United States.
3. Describe the funding and deployment issues concerning NextGen or Single European Sky ATM Research Program (SESAR).
4. List the advantages of NextGen type technology and how these will contribute to aviation safety and a reduction in carbon emissions.
5. List and discuss the operational and technological challenges in introducing Unmanned Aerial Systems into controlled airspace.
6. Describe the regulatory framework for Unmanned Aerial Systems in the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, and Singapore.

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Dissertation: Discuss what legislation has been developed to reduce noise
Reference No:- TGS02748369

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