Discuss what is meant by communications skills

Discussion Post: Business Communications

After reviewing "Required supplemental reading weeks 1-6" for material posted in Lectures, discuss what is meant by "communications skills" and, more specifically what we mean by good communications skills in Business Communications. You might talk about how business communications differs from "social" or other professional communications; you might talk about what you learned from the material, what you agreed with, what you disagreed with, what was missing, why it matters, and so on. I will be looking for discussion postings that reflect your understanding of the "Required" reading material and your ability to apply what you have learned to a real life business conversation.

Textbook: Business Communication: Process and Product 10th Edition.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Business Management: Discuss what is meant by communications skills
Reference No:- TGS03174965

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