Design network infrastructure case study
- Setup a pure IPv6 network
- Setup a VTP v3 Domain
- Create and maintain VLANs
- Configure 802.1Q Trunking
- Configure Layer 2 Etherchannels
- Configure inter-VLAN routing with HSRP for IPv6 to provide redundant, fault-tolerant routing to the internal network
- Configure HSRP object tracking
- Adjust HSRP times for optimization
- Configure both stateful and stateless DHCP for IPv6
Acme is company that is investigating the possibility of converting to a pure IPv6 environment, without having to renew any of its routers and switches. They have just upgraded the test bed devices to IOS version 15. The test bed consists of 2811 routers with IOS version c2800nm-adventerprisek9-mz.151-
4.M10, 3560v2 Switches with IOS version c3560-ipservicesk9-mz.150-2.SE9, and 2960 Switches with IOS version c2960-lanbasek9-mz.150-2.SE9.
They want you to do a comparison of the ipv4 protocols with their equivalent ipv6 protocols, the benefits and any problems with going to a pure ipv6 environment, and to test the feasibility of converting to pure IPv6 by building a prototype using the topology above.
You must produce a report that includes a discussion on the differences if any on the present ipv4 protocols used and on any new ipv6 versions of the protocols that need to be used.
You need to discuss what changes have to incorporated to make the switch to a fully IPv6 environment, the commands that need to be configured on the devices to achieve the IPv6 environment, the testing and confirmation regime that is used verify that Acme can use the current devices in an IPv6 only environment.