
Discuss ways that huddle can be facilitated electronically

Assignment Task:

Nurses consistently use the DIKW paradigm as well as the Foundation of Knowledge model in the delivery of care. In collaborative practice the emergence of knowledge across disciplines is amplified due to the sharing of knowledge, wisdom, information, and data.

The HUDDLE (Healthcare, Utilizing, Deliberate, Discussion, Linking, Events) is a method used in healthcare facilities when discussing patient situations. This team-building tool increases effective communication across the disciplines starts at the beginning of the workday and is a time where the team plans patient care, addresses concerns and conflicts as well as recent changes in patient status.

Discuss the ways that the HUDDLE can be facilitated electronically? Consider the core concepts of the DIKW paradigm.

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Other Subject: Discuss ways that huddle can be facilitated electronically
Reference No:- TGS03227481

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