
Discuss ways in which companies improve employee motivation

1. How important is it for companies to invest in employeetraining?

2. Discuss ways in which companies can improve employee motivation.

3. ‘Online retailing will lead to the death of the high street’. Does this statement accurately reflect the future of the retail trade?

Format of coursework:

• Your coursework must be word-processed using Microsoft Word (make sure ‘proofing language’ is set to ‘English UK’).
• Please use a size 12typefont and double-space your writing
• Provide the full question at the beginning of your essay
• Include a list of references at the end of your essay
• Do not write your name on the coursework; only include your student ID number.

Late work:

You must complete your submission ON or BEFORE the deadline of 17 April 2015 (11.55pm). If you fail to submit, your work will be given a mark of ZERO. (This is not the same as a non-submission. A late submission counts as an ‘attempt’ and gives you the right to a resit.) If you do not submit anything at all, you will NOT be allowed to submit a resit piece of coursework.

Short ‘deferrals’ (extensions) of up to 3 calendar weeks can be given for genuine reasons (such as medical reasons). Bad time management, theft, loss, or computer malfunctions, are not valid reasons. If you feel you have grounds to apply for a deferral you must do so ON or BEFORE the submission date by submitting a Coursework Deferral Form, available from the Student Support Office (George Eliot Building Reception). Please note that your tutor CANNOT award you a deferral him/herself. You must apply for one as described above.

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HR Management: Discuss ways in which companies improve employee motivation
Reference No:- TGS01427374

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