Discuss way it became entrenched in the american colonies

Assignment: Word History Essay

Avoid excessive personal commentary. You can offer your views, of course, but be sure to support your views with historical evidence. First review and include the arguments made by the authors of our textbooks (and other supporting documents). Then support or refute their views by analyzing the historical evidence. Remember, I am trained as an attorney so make your arguments as they are supported by the historical facts and be sure to demonstrate that you have read and understood the various reading assignments.

Here are the two questions:

1. Race and ethnicity have played major roles in American social history. How do these constructs relate to an explanation of what it means to be an American? Be sure to define each term. Additionally, what impact did the English view of race have on American society?

2. Trace the development of the system of slavery, and discuss the way it became entrenched in the American colonies. Be sure to consider the economic, social, and political causes for its institutionalization.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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History: Discuss way it became entrenched in the american colonies
Reference No:- TGS02999809

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