
Discuss video - recruiting top performers

Assignment Task:

Video: Recruiting Top Performers - Irina Haydon According to Irina Haydon, the biggest challenge for a sales manager is to find the right person who is a top performer. She looks for candidates-regardless of their background-who have chemistry, character, and competence. Chemistry means are they likeable and are they a people person. Character refers to integrity and competence relates to a candidate's ability to achieve results. Haydon tries to get at the three "C's" by asking questions such as: what have you achieved in your life that you are most proud; how did you handle rejection when it occurred; what drives you to success? Haydon admits that her failures in hiring have come when she ignored her gut feeling that this person was not a good fit, but she hired them anyway. A few questions you could ask the class to look for and consider:

1. What are the three C's that Haydon uses to organize her interview?

2. What types of questions does she employ to understand the applicant?

3. Is Haydon able to accurately measure these three criteria or does she has to go with her best impression? What roles do listening and probing play in the interview?

4. When has Haydon made mistakes in her hiring approach?

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Other Management: Discuss video - recruiting top performers
Reference No:- TGS03240340

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