
Discuss various theories of health promotion including

Assignment: Health Promotion and Wellness.

Cultural Diversity.

Environmental Health.

Read chapter 4, 13 & 14 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentations. Once done, answer the following questions;

1. Discuss various theories of health promotion, including Pender's Health Promotion Model, the Health Belief Model, the Transtheoretical Theory, and the Theory of Reasoned Action.

2. Discuss definitions of health.

3. Critically analyze racial and cultural diversity in the United States.

4. Describe the importance of air, water and food quality as a determinant of health.

As stated in the class syllabus please present your assignment in an APA format, word document, Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion board tab of the blackboard title "week 4 discussion questions". The assignment must include at least 2 evidence-based references (excluding the class textbook). Two replies to any of your peers sustained with the proper references are required. A minimum of 700 words is required.


Please answer the discussion board questions by Friday September 28 at 11:59pm. Moving forward on all future discussion boards, please use APA format and references. Utilize more than one reference to answer the questions. In order to receive full credit you must answer the questions in the expected format and also post at least on one other student's discussion board utilizing a reference as well.

Discussion board questions:

1. Think about the ethical theories and approaches in this Chapter 4 and the moral conflicts you have experienced in the past. Have you used one of these approaches to resolve a conflict? Which theory or approach have you used?

2. Has there ever been a time when you have experienced the dilemma of having to make a choice that you know will affect the well-being of another individual? Have you ever experienced moral suffering?

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Dissertation: Discuss various theories of health promotion including
Reference No:- TGS02917105

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