
Discuss various dimension of power in trosa in its

Please read the instructions below and type up your response(in bullet points)to each discussion item. This preparation will facilitate rich class discussion.

Limit your response tosingle-spaced,one page length. Remember to put your name to your work. I will collect this at the end of our class. Have fun!

Use aContingency Theory perspective to explain the functioning of the organization in TROSA, i.e.,centralization of authority, the formalization of rules and procedures, work alliance with client population, survival and operation of the organization etc.

Discuss how the following contingencies influence the functioning of TROSA:

Client characteristics

External Input (funding, technology, change ofseason, professionals)

Referral network

Customers and competitors

Societal attitudeand valuetowardindividual with substance use challenges/addiction

Government regulations

Gentle reminder:

Contingency theory builds onsystem theory thinking. It also conceptualizesan organization being a system nested within its social and geographic environment.

Therefore, you should also be considering concepts such as goodness of fit,system boundary,homeostasis,alignment of subsystems, system survival, entropy, and system input, output while you contemplate about this case example.

Discuss various dimension of power in TROSA in its organizational structure.

Summarize your take away lesson(s) from this case example.


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Dissertation: Discuss various dimension of power in trosa in its
Reference No:- TGS02645300

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