
Discuss valuable asset to the regent park community

Assignment task:

This letter to the editor (text below) appeared in the Globe and Mail on August 9, 2010. Its author, who identifies as a teacher-librarian, makes many rhetorical appeals using language to support her position that the book bank is a "valuable asset" to the Regent Park community in Toronto. What words, phrases, metaphors, or strategies does she use to appeal to ethos, pathos, and/or logos? Make sure to explain your reasoning.

Summertime learning

"I couldn't agree more with the notion that children need a summer break. Making that break meaningful in both a physical and intellectual way is definitely the key (Stop the Summer Slide-editorial, Aug 7). And that is why a charity such as the Children's Book Bank, situated in the heart of Moss Park, Regent Park and St. James Town in Toronto, is such a valuable asset to the low-income families of the area.

It affords a safe, cool, aesthetic environment where children can come to read, receive literacy support and take home a book that they can keep at no charge. There are no membership requirements, no fees and parents can be confident that their children are not idling or, worse, sliding into the Wii and soda-pop abyss outlined in your editorial."

Jane Crist, teacher-librarian, Toronto

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