1. Discuss UCMBA's committee's task in hiring the initial lawyer for formation and structure issues. What attributes, skills sets, etc. would be desirable in hiring an attorney for this work, how could you ascertain the information, and what kinds of fee structure(s) or billing arrangements would be appropriate or acceptable for these services?;
2. What kind of corporate structure(s) might be acceptable at first? then which corporate structure(s) would be more appropriate or required upon going public?
3. What are some of the legal and ethical responsibilities of attorney I. Fleesum upon learning of the above-referenced frauds while the company is a publicly traded company.
4. Does I. Fleesum need to or is required to resign from UCMBA? Is so, what are some of the things might attorney I. Fleesum do in resigning to avoid drawing attention to the crimes, so as not to violate attorney-client privilege?