Discuss u-s federal pay regulations

Discuss the following:

Select one of the following U.S. Federal Pay Regulations.
1) Fair Labor Standards Acts of 1938
2)  Title VII of Civil Rights of 1964

3)  Age Discrimination in Employment Acts (ADEA) of 1967

4)  Civil Rights Act of 1991

5) Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993

Conduct additional research on one of the regulations. Your research project should be a minimum of four pages and must include a literature review. Page count does not include the title page or reference page. Include in your research:

a. History of the Act

b. Why it was created

c.  How it influenced the area of human resources and compensation
d. What the future holds for the act
e.  How it affected the employer and the employee

f.   Do you agree with this act? Why or why not?

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